New volume of Mètode Science Studies Journal


Nou número de la revista Mètode sobre humanitats digitals

Issue 122 of Metode analyses the role of data science and artificial intelligence in the study and research of humanities.
alta muntanya

Open call for papers on the impact of climate change on high mountain areas. Deadline for submission: 4 November 2024.

Issue 121 of Mètode looks at the role of chemistry in contributing to a more sustainable future by improving production processes and recovering and reusing materials.
Portada del número 120 de Mètode sobre ciència recreativa

Mètode monograph 120 explores recreational science as a playful way of popularising science and engaging the public's curiosity.
Pau Carazo at his office at the University of Valencia.

In this new Science Space, we visit the Cavanilles Institute of Biodiversity and Evolutionary Biology, where Pau Carazo studies the evolution of behaviour and sexual selection.
Isabel Cordero Carrión

We go to the Faculty of Mathematics at the University of Valencia, where Isabel Cordero Carrión talks about her areas of research: applied mathematics and astrophysics, and her interest in gravitational waves.
Fernando Ballesteros

Fernando Ballesteros, researcher at the Astronomical Observatory of the University of Valencia, searches for moons orbiting exoplanets using the Kepler space telescope.
Francesc Mesquita

Francesc Mesquita works at the Cavanilles Institute of Biodiversity and Evolutionary Biology, where he carries out research on aquatic invertebrates as indicators of water quality and evolutionary aspects.


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